
At Robert Kett Primary School we believe that good attendance and punctuality is essential for good education and standards of attainment. It also prepares children for their future working lives.

We believe that teaching staff, support staff, governors and parents are responsible for and can influence the attendance of pupils.

We monitor attendance carefully. Where we have concerns about a child’s attendance we will work with families to provide support and encouragement to ensure their attendance and/or punctuality improves.

We reward good attendance through individual and class certificates and prizes.

If you have concerns about your child’s attendance, please speak to our Attendance Lead, or make an appointment to speak to Miss Fahy, to see how the school can support your child.

Family holidays in school term time will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstance. Forms to request a pupil absence are available below to download, please ensure you read the information on the back of the form before applying for an absence.