For generations, parents have found themselves visiting primary schools with their children only to hear themselves saying, “It’s not like when I was at school.” Things change quickly in education, and at no time in the past 25 years has that been truer than September 2014 when the whole school curriculum changed for maintained schools throughout England. This guide is intended to support parents of primary school children. Obviously it would be impossible to set out in detail everything your child would learn during their six years of statutory primary education, but by providing an outline of typical content and some background information about how the curriculum and assessment works, hopefully it will help parents support their children in making the most of their education.
Please click here to view our long term plan.
More information about the curriculum at Robert Kett Primary School can be found through half-termly newsletters and knowledge organisers. For any further information please speak to your child's class teacher or a member of SLT.
Tests Your Child Will Take
At Robert Kett Primary School we use tests at all stages of their work. For the most part, these are part of a normal classroom routine, and support teachers’ assessment. However, at certain stages of schooling there are also national tests which must be taken by all children in state schools. Often informally known as ‘SATs’, the National Curriculum Tests are compulsory for children at the end of Year 2 and Year 6. Children in these year 3 groups will undertake tests in Reading, Mathematics, and Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling. The tests will be sent away for marking, and results will be reported to schools and parents at the end of the year.
The National Curriculum Tests for children in Year 2 and Year 6 will take place each summer. We also choose to have internal tests for other year groups around the same time.
Where previously these tests – and other teacher assessments – were graded in levels (normally numbering between Level 1 and Level 6 in primary schools), from 2016 the tests have been reported as a scaled score, with a score of 100 representing the expected level for each age group. Schools will then provide accompanying information to parents to explain how children are progressing – it makes attending those parents’ evenings all the more important!
Education Phases
Age Key stage School year School level
4-5 Foundation Reception Reception
5-6 Key stage 1 Year 1 Primary
6-7 Key stage 1 Year 2 Primary
7-8 Key stage 2 Year 3 Primary
8-9 Key stage 2 Year 4 Primary
9-10 Key stage 2 Year 5 Primary
10-11 Key stage 2 Year 6 Primary
English, Maths and Science are very important and are considered the core subjects in both primary and secondary education. The National Curriculum sets out in some detail what must be taught in each of these subjects, and they will take up a substantial part of your child’s learning week. Alongside these are the familiar foundation subjects: Art, Computing, Design & Technology, Foreign Languages (age 7+ only), Geography, History, Music, and Physical Education. For these foundation subjects, the details in the curriculum are significantly briefer: schools have much more flexibility regarding what they cover in these subjects.