
Welcome to Robert Kett Primary School

Starting ‘big’ school marks an important milestone in a child’s life. For some children, this is the first time they have been away from home, for others, it means transitioning from nursery provision to a new community.  We know your first priority as a parent is to find a caring and safe environment as well as a strong academic beginning for your young child. We believe Robert Kett Primary School is that place.

At Robert Kett, we believe that the best environment for learning is one that is nurturing and supportive. Through meaningful learning experiences, children are encouraged to develop their own special qualities and to accept different qualities in others. Children and their teachers work together to recognise feelings and to channel them in constructive ways. Children learn about their community and how to respond to each other with sensitivity and respect. Our team tailor lessons to the interests and curiosities of the children in the classroom, creating an ownership and excitement for learning.

We believe that all parents should have an opportunity to participate in their child’s education. Home and school become one cohesive world when children, parents, and  staff work collaboratively at creating a community of learners.  Our school vision encapsulates this ‘Achieving Together’.  

As you make the very important decision of where to send your child for early education, I invite you to learn more about our school for your child.  We would like to invite prospective parents/carers into school for a tour of our Early Years setting and the wider school.

If you would like to book a visit to our school, please contact the school office on 01953 603405 or email

We look forward to meeting you and your child on your visit.

Best wishes, Cara Fahy, Headteacher

Enquiries about admissions for Reception or other year-group children are most welcome at any time. Please contact the school and ask about arranging a visit, we would love to show you around our school.

For all of the details regarding our school's admission arrangements, please see our Admissions Policy located in our policy folder found here.

Information 2024-25.pdf

Important Documents

Intake Policy: The process for making an application to attend the school and notification for admission will be in accordance with the timetable set by the Local Education Authority. Though there is no statutory obligation for class size in Key Stage 2. The governing body recommends that class sizes, where possible, should not exceed 30. With the housing growth in Wymondham and pressure on school places we currently have class sizes up to 32 in Key Stage 2.

There will be 60 places offered at Reception, however, when there are more children requesting places than there are places available, the criteria for over subscription will be used.  

In the event of there being more applications for admission, than places available, the following criteria will be used to allocate such places as are available – and in this order of priority:

1. children with a statement of special educational needs naming this school.

2. looked after children.

3. children living within the school’s designated catchment area, who have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission.

4. children living within the school’s designated catchment area, who do not have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission.

5. children living outside the school’s designated catchment area, who have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission.

6. children living outside the school’s designated catchment area, who have a medical condition, for which attendance at the school is both desirable and supported by a doctor, in writing.

7. all other children.

In the event of a tie, between children within the same category living outside the school’s designated catchment area, allocation will be given to the child living nearest to the school and then to the child living next nearest to the school and so on, until all places are exhausted.

The distance between the child’s home and the school to be measured on Ordnance Survey maps, in a straight line (as the crow flies).

Parents of children living outside the school’s designated catchment area must provide to the school a written undertaking that they are wholly responsible for the transport of the child to and from school.