At Robert Kett Primary School, we aim to provide a flexible and holistic approach to education and care in response to the particular needs of the children attending our school. Nurture provides the foundations for successful learning, and is being developed through our Nurturing schools' programme. Our nurture sessions are underpinned by the six principles of Nurture Groups:
Children’s learning is understood developmentally
The classroom offers a safe base
The importance of nurture for the development of self-esteem
Language is a vital means of communication
All behaviour is communication
The importance of transition in children’s lives Introduction
Nurture Groups
Our Nurture Lead, Mrs Kelly Lubbock (qualified in ‘the theory and practice of nurture groups’) currently runs two Nurture groups each morning. These groups consist of approxiamtely 4-8 children and take place in our purposely designed nuture room, which offers a warm and inviting place where the children can feel safe and begin to build trust and relationships in a safe environment . Within the nurture sessions, children work to develop their English and Maths skills in a nurturing environment alongside the development of their social and emotional skills. In the afternoons, nurture sessions are delivered to small groups of pupils in key stage 2.
Who might benefit from Nurture?
The are a number of reasons why a child might benefit from joining a nurture group. These might include but are not limited to:
Low self esteem/confidence
Poor learning behaviours
Difficulty sharing/taking turns
Difficulty settling in class
Transition from another school
Bereavement / Trauma
Friendship difficulties
How long might a child attend the Nurture group?
A child may attend the nurture group for between 1 and 4 terms depending upon need. However, we ensure that the children remain an integral member of their mainstream class; returning for assemblies, playtime, lunch, school outings and for any special events or visitors.
Parent/Carer Involvement
Close links with parents/carers are encouraged and welcomed. The Nurture Lead, Kelly Lubbock is available before and after school to speak with parents/carers and special half termly events are planned to celebrate the achievements of the children and show parents/carers what the nurture group does.
Assessment consists of:
Regular discussions between the Nurture team and the class teachers
Class teacher/TA observation
Reports from other agencies
Discussions with parents/carers
Boxall profile questionnaires completed (by class teacher/TA)
We aim to integrate children back to their mainstream class at the earliest opportunity.
The Boxall profile is used to keep track of progress, alongside teacher observation and discussion.
Reintegration is tailored to each child’s individual needs. It takes place gradually, at the child’s pace working closely with the class teacher and parents/carers.