School Performance

SATs Results

At the end of year 6 all children across the country take their end of KS2 SATs tests. National expectations are that children achieve a scaled score above 100 in their tests. We look carefully at the data and use it to inform our School Improvement Plan.

This link will take you to the Department of Education’s Performance tables and you can see how our school compares within our County and nationally: 

KS2 SATS 2024

Reading EXS:  73%  (National 74%)

Writing EXS: 68% (National 72%)

Maths EXS: 69% (National 73%)

Combined R/W/M:  57% (National 61%)

Reading GDS26%  (National 28%)

Writing GDS: 9% (National 13%)

Maths GDS: 12.5% (National 24%)

Combined R/W/M:  4% (National 4%)

These are best results to date - we are very proud of the children and staff at Robert Kett.