School Times
Unless attending Extra Time breakfast club, children should arrive at school between 8.30am and 8.45am, and go straight to their classrooms where they will be welcomed by their class teacher. Our formal school day runs from 8.35 am to 3.15pm.
The children have a 15 minute mid-morning break. For lunch, Reception children have their lunch break from 11.45 ~ 12.35pm, children in years 1 and 2 have their lunch break from 12.00 ~ 12.50pm, children in years 3 and 4 from 12.15pm ~ 1.05pm and finally in years 5 and 6 from 12.30 ~ 1.20pm.
Extra Time Breakfast Club is available from 7.30 ~ 8.30am, when children are taken to their classrooms. Unless going to breakfast club, no children should arrive at school until after 8.30am, when they can enter their classrooms.
We also offer a 'Kick-Start' breakfast where for just £1.50 (50p if you are in receipt of means tested free school meals) , parents can drop children at school at 8.15am and they can enjoy a breakfast in school before being taken to their class ready for 8.30am.
Extra Time runs from 3.15 ~ 6.00pm every day after school. If you are interested in booking a place for your child, please see the Extra Time page on our website for contact the school office.