PSHE Incorporating RSE
PSHE Incorporating RSE Statement:
At Robert Kett Primary School we have a ‘whole school’ approach to Physical, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE). In our school we choose to deliver PSHE and Relationship Sex Education (RSE) using Jigsaw, the mindful approach. This ensures that PSHE/RSE is taught in a logical progression, systematically and explicitly enough for all pupils to acquire the intended knowledge and skills. It follows the national curriculum requirements.
Through PSHE we provide our pupils with knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills that they need to reach their potential as individuals within their class, our school and the wider community. We want Robert Kett children to be kind, understanding and respectful.This is also linked to our British Values, Playground Activity Leaders (PAL’s), Assemblies, visits and wider opportunities.
RSE at Robert Kett Primary School also follows the Jigsaw programme. It is tailored to the age and physical and emotional maturity of the children at Robert Kett. It ensures that girls and boys are prepared for the changes that adolescence brings, drawing on knowledge of the human life cycle set out in the national curriculum for science.
In Robert Kett our school vision for RSE is ....
“to allow our children to make responsible and informed decisions about their health and well-being through our holistic education which seeks to form as well as inform young people in preparation for adult life.”
Personal, Social and Health Education is essential for preparing our children to be future citizens. We use the Jigsaw Scheme of Work which focuses on six aspects of learning. Each half term's theme is launched in an assembly, with the whole school learning about the same aspect over half a term.