
There are so many strengths that have been recognised within the report. When I joined the school as headteacher in April 2020, we began a three year plan for improvement. This inspection happened after two years, which was totally interrupted by COVID. We are pleased that our outstanding remote learning provision is referenced within the report Leaders quickly provided remote education.  This was greatly valued by parents’

This grade reflects the journey to improvement that we are on, but also all the changes we have embedded within the school over the last two years.  ‘Staff morale has dramatically improved. They share leaders’ vision and aspirations for pupils. I am especially proud that this has been achieved considering our staff teams have only come face to face since we returned after the Easter holidays.

To ensure children can become the best learners, the foundations of wellbeing, behaviour and personal development needed to be solid and Ofsted confirmed these are.

Leadership and Management:

As a leadership team, we worked with the inspection team to identify two areas for improvement:

These areas are already part of our school improvement plan. This year we have been supporting our teachers to develop their roles as subject leaders whilst further developing an engaging curriculum that will inspire our children to learn effectively. We are delighted that Ofsted have recognised the work that has started and have confirmed that we are moving in the right direction.

Robert Kett Primary will continue to build on our successes whilst maintaining our ethos of an aspirational, inclusive and caring school.

10207081 - Robert Kett Primary - 121196 - Final PDF.pdf
Post inspection Ofsted Action Plan.pdf