Contact Us
Address & Phone Number
Robert Kett Primary School - Hewitts Lane - Wymondham - Norfolk - NR18 0LS
School Contact Number - 01953 603405
School Email Address -
For general enquiries, please speak to Mel or Thea by using the contact details above.
Unity Schools Partnership - Homefield Road, Haverhill, CB9 8QP
Telephone: 01440 333400
Chair of Governors - Mary Richards -
Email Contacts
Reporting an Absence
In the first instance, please telephone the school office to inform us that your child will be absent. We will need your child’s name, their class and the reason why your child won’t be attending school. If you’re able to, please do this prior to class registration at 8.40am but, in any case, during that first morning of absence.
Unplanned Closures
The school rarely closes because of bad weather, but if particularly bad weather is forecast or on days during an unplanned closure, please check the school closures website daily or the local radio station:
Norfolk County Council’s website:
BBC Radio Norfolk 95.1 FM